The Egyptians are perhaps best known for their use of Pyramid energy to protect the dead. For centuries though Pyramid energy has also been used for healing purposes.
Pyramid vibrations affect our own auras, & it has been shown using Kirlian photography that the aura is brighter & larger after exposure to the Pyramids & also Quartz Crystal. Quartz Crystal can produce a force field of healing negative ions while clearing the surrounding atmosphere of positive ions & will cancel out the effect of radiation & radioactivity. Surround yourself with the Pyramid energy by placing a Quartz Pyramid on your desk or meditate with it.
When meditating place a Pyramid at your feet if you are sitting in a chair. This is called the pivot point & will engulf you in a vortex of energy. If you use the lotus position (cross legged) place the Pyramid in front of you. When you go to bed place it on your bed stand.
Feng Shui is the science of balancing energy in your environment. When a Quartz Pyramid is placed in each corner of a room, a balanced energy is created. This raises the energy in the environment & helps to remove negativity, improving the quality of life.
Placing a Pyramid on your desk will raise the energy around you allowing you to receive more of it & will also increase productivity. A Pyramid kept in the refrigerator will keep your food in a high energy environment & will charge your drinks too.
Let us know how you use your Pyramids…
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3