Wands & Clear Quartz Points are used to amplify & direct energy. Use these with care & intent. A double terminated Quartz Crystal (with a point at each end) will allow the energy to flow both ways.
Massage Wands are carved so that one end comes to a point, & the other is smooth & rounded. These can be used with the rounded end as a massage tool, to break up & dissipate energy blockages. This is best done with training & experience, using a very gentle pressure.
Crystal Wands are still a common healing tool.
Wands come in many different shapes & sizes, & also in many varieties of stone. Wands can be long or short, & the cylinder can be smooth or faceted. They can be pointed at one end & rounded at the other, or they can be rounded on both ends, or pointed at both ends. Some Wands are wider at one end & tapered at the other. Most are shaped & polished, but rough natural pointed Crystals, such as Quartz, can also be used as a healing Wand.
Healing Wands gather & direct energy. The elongated, cylindrical shape of a Wand enables the Crystal to direct its healing energy in a straight line, & the Wand’s point focuses the Crystal’s energy so that it can be used on specific areas of the body.
Methods of Healing with a Crystal Wand:
Crystal Wands can be used in many different way of healing. They can be used to heal the entire body or aura, or they can be used on a specific area of the body, or on a particular Chakra.
Wands can also be used in massage healing. Massaging the body with a stone Wand helps to release tension from the body; at the same time the stone’s healing energy is transferred to the body. Smooth Wands that are rounded on at least one end are the best to use in massage healing as they will not scratch or cause discomfort to the body.
Pointed Wands are good to use in reflexology, a healing method in which the stone’s point is held at certain pressure points, mostly on the hands & feet, to heal ailments in particular areas of the body.
Choosing a Wand:
Wands come in a wide variety of Crystals; there’s a huge choice. Different stones have different healing energies & will have different effects on the body, aura, & Chakras. As each stone has different healing properties, it’s good to have a variety of Wands to use for different purposes.
A clear Quartz Crystal Wand is a very good start for beginners to work with as it’s an all-purpose healing stone, with the ability to heal any ailment on any area of the body or aura.
Clear Quartz is an excellent Crystal for gathering, storing, directing, & transmitting energy, but it can also transmute negative energy into positive healing energy. Its versatility & multiplicity of uses make it an essential Wand for anyone to have. Clear Quartz is also an amplifier of energy, & so it’s good to attach a piece to any stone Wand to enhance its healing energies.
When selecting a Wand to use for a specific purpose, you should choose one made from a stone that is suitable to your intention. It’s good to know a little about the healing properties of different stones so that you’re able to make the right selection for your purpose. If you’re not sure about the properties you can always head over to our A-Z of Crystals..
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3