The world is getting more and more chaotic & we are leading increasingly busy lives, working harder to make our way up the career ladder. Stress-related illnesses are on the increase & in many instances the pressure of developing a career has a huge impact on our health & quality of life. In this busy world, Crystals can help with their calming nature, allowing us to focus on challenging that career ladder without the worries of not being able to handle the pressure. Use healing Crystals to help in prevention of the stresses of work life building up & affecting health, & also as a positive addition to life, assisting in the development of our careers.
Rose Quartz has a unique property of purifying the heart & opening up the mind to forgiveness & harmony, allowing us to let go of all resentment & anger. This means that any problems encountered at work can be processed in a calm & reasonable way.
Amethyst is a powerful & protective Crystal which strengthens the heart & mind to compete with the pressures that crop up during career progression. Their extremely powerful healing properties enable us to battle successfully against illnesses that might hinder work life as well as other areas of life.
Moonstone has many unique benefits that make them essential for busy professionals. It’s perfect for easing menstrual pains & tensions for women in their hormonal cycle. Wearing Moonstone jewellery will help bring calm, peace, & balance to everyday life.
Carnelian gives our motivation & creativity a boost, which are essential elements to progressing in any career, enabling us to demonstrate our great ideas & innovative plans.
Maybe more confidence is needed & the worry is that shyness will prevent a promotion?
The magical powers of Green Aventurine will turn a worrier into a warrior. Keep one in a pocket to boost leadership skills, & for help tackling problems with complete confidence.
Putting a Citrine Crystal under a pillow, or keeping one in a pocket can boost chances of promotion & a payrise.. It will help to manifest our dream job & income, & will have us climbing the career ladder in no time.
Next time motivation is lacking at work, try wearing Sodalite on a chain or bracelet. Ideal for those involved in the arts, it will unlock inner creativity, & help reawaken dormant talents.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3