According to folklore, the Full Moon in November is named after beavers who become active while preparing for the winter. It’s also known as Frosty Moon, and along with the December Full Moon some called it Oak Moon. Traditionally, if the Beaver Moon is the last Full Moon before the winter solstice, it’s also called the Mourning Moon.

As amazing as the Full Moon is, with the influx of energy at this time, it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed. That’s because the energy of the Moon is trying to draw us towards the incredible cosmos. If the energy is too strong & the Crown Chakra is open to the energies flooding in, the Root Chakra can be unbalanced. The easy fix for this is a grounding stone. There are many Crystals that are great for bringing a grounding energy, & Geodes come into their own during this time. Geodes take millions of years to come into being, they’re not as ancient as the moon, but heal & rejuvenate the feminine side in all of us, which is interconnected with the Moon. They’re like magical secret caves, ordinary on the outside yet so sparkly, lined in tiny crystal points on the inside! Any of the dark colour Crystals are wonderful for grounding us, try Black Obsidian. Sit quietly with it for twenty minutes & you’ll notice the power of Obsidian illuminating any negativity loitering around inside your head, leaving you feeling light, refreshed, & in control of your destiny.
During your full moon ritual or meditation, keep a Geode of your choosing next to you, or hold it in your hands. It will help you go deeper into your spiritual practice & gather the moon’s energy.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3