Spinel is a very soothing stone, calming & relieving stress, anxiety, PTSD & depression. It detoxifies the body, making it an excellent choice when fasting using natural diuretics or natural cleansing teas. It encourages moderation in all things, including food & sleep.
Spinel is associated with energy renewal & physical vitality, rejuvenating us mentally, & helping us to overcome difficult circumstances. It covers such a wide variety of colours that it can open all the Chakras & helps Kundalini energy move up the spine.
Helping us to develop all the positive aspects of our personality, Spinel aligns the etheric & emotional aura bodies, connecting the Kundalini & Hara lines; lengthening life by balancing Ch’i energy & removing blocks to energy flow.

Blue Spinel restores joy & is a very positive stone. reawakening enthusiasm. It’s ideal to help kick bad habits, or for those who suffer from claustrophobia. Attracting abundance & wealth, use it for work related success in study & moving forward in a career. It focuses the mind for study in the build up to examinations & revives enthusiasm to get on with assignments. This is a brilliant stone for anyone who is 60+ & wants to plan new activities.

Green Spinel connects with the Heart & Throat Chakras, working on an emotional level to allow the cleansing of anger, pain, resentment & judgement. It facilitates clear, kind communication & helps us say how we feel in a non judgmental way. Encouraging compassion, love, forgiveness, it makes it easier for us to express our affection for others.
This Crystal is a comfort for those who feel used by others or are unable to express proper emotional boundaries & find themselves unable to say no to other people.

Pink Spinel aligns the etheric & emotional aura bodies. It energises, activates, clears & connects the Kundalini energy at the Heart Chakra. Balancing the Ch’i into the body, Pink Spinel acts as a gateway of life & death, incarnation & reincarnation. It assists with heart issues that are related to extreme anger or chronic fear, brought on by abuse.

Purple Spinel ranges in shades of light to dark violet, with some appearing to be almost black.
This stone is a whole body healer if placed on the Third Eye Chakra. It reduces a sense of isolation from any social group, whether colleagues, family or community.
This is a wonderful harmony stone, give one to older relations to encourage independence, but as a reassurance they have our help whenever needed. Keep Purple Spinel in the home to create a sense of space & personal boundaries. Wear it when feeling that work is being offloaded onto you, it assists us in determining when there is a real need & when we should be saying no.

Red Spinel is an excellent choice for those who feel they’re never taken seriously. It will encourage the youngest children in a family to become self reliant & independent. It brings us strength in any bad situation such as divorce or job loss, enabling us to carry on & obtain our rights without having to resort to aggression.
Wear this Crystal to attract people who can help boost a career & to encourage creative ideas. It’s a great choice to take along to job appraisals or interviews. Red Spinel will protect from physical attacks, women in particular should wear it if they work in potentially dangerous situations.

Yellow Spinel – the sunny yellow of this Crystal is a natural anti-depressant. It encourages optimism, bringing strength to keep going one day at a time in difficult periods of life. Pessimistic people should wear it to balance their gloomy feelings.
It attracts beautiful things, happy people & chances for spontaneous fun & laughter into daily life. Wearing this Crystal to a function or family event you’re not looking forward to, will provide a much better time than expected.
It’s ideal for difficult exams, assessments, tests or where there is fierce competition for a job or award.
Yellow Spinel is a Crystal of personal power & determination to fulfil destiny in a way that will bring happiness rather than just material success. Holding it on the Solar Plexus Chakra will bring back any lost feeling of enthusiasm for life.

Black Spinel connects with the Base Chakra, allowing balanced grounding of high energy frequencies. It helps pull spiritual energy down through the Crown Chakra & into the body. Releasing the past & clearing our life of past associations so we can easily move forward, it enables hoarders let go of excessive emotional junk so that clarity of mind can be restored. It’s also useful for those who are stuck in the grieving process or who feel that a past emotional trauma still rules their life.

Brown Spinel is an excellent protection stone & etheric cleanser, eliminating negative attachments & entities from the auric field. It acts as a reflector for psychic attacks, causing the negative energy to rebound to the sender.

Clear Spinel connects the Chakra’s of the physical body with the Crown Chakra, allowing visions & enlightenment, encouraging higher communication. A stone of new hope, it can relieve negative thought patterns & reminds us that life is a gift. It inspires new ways of thinking & assists us in communicating new ideas. Helping to prevent limiting ideas about our attractiveness, talents & capabilities for new growth, it allows us to free the mind & transform into our highest self.
Clear Spinel is a multi-purpose Crystal & very easily programmed. It works to re-energise all levels of our physical, etheric & astral bodies, plus the Chakras & Meridians.

Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3