Turquoise is a number one choice – purifying the spirit, it helps us see our anxieties as just thoughts that pass us going downstream, giving them no more value than that. Allowing us to see the bigger spiritual picture, it dissolves negative energy.
Blue Calcite relieves depression & lowers blood pressure. This gentle Crystal calms us as it helps absorb negative energy & thought patterns that work against us.
Cerussite is wonderful for helping adjustment to new situations & easing the anxiety that comes with this. It’s a great Stone that allows us let go of anxieties attributed to the past.
Howlite is an extremely calming stone. It’s useful for anxiety that keeps us up at night due to an overactive mind. Its soothing energies still the mind & is very helpful for mindful meditation.
Kunzite helps those suffering from inner turmoil, encouraging us to find the balance between reason & feeling. This heart soothing Stone increases tolerance & the ability to deal with anxiety that comes from receiving criticism from others. Clearing emotional debris it’s exceptional for panic attacks.
Malachite promotes growth & builds strength, both emotionally & physically. It draws out deep anxieties, unwanted fears & psychosomatic issues teaching us to take responsibility for our own actions..
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3