If it’s possible, I really recommend having a corner of your house dedicated to abundance. If it’s not possible, then dedicate an area of your sacred space, or even a little space on a shelf. This is the place to inspire feelings of plenty, luxury, life and growth. I like to keep lush plants, flowers, seeds, pictures of places I want to visit, a photo of a happy memory, a favourite scented candle and maybe a musical instrument to bring in the joy. I keep Citrine and Pyrite Crystals here. Pyrite looks like gold, with a real sense of luxury beauty, it vibrates with abundance, as well as bringing a grounding energy. Have a think about the objects that symbolise abundance for you and add these to your corner if you can. When you’re ready you can give your space and all the tools you’ve gathered together an energetic cleanse.
The first step is to choose an area where you feel a lack, eg. money, health, relationships and write the one word at the top of a piece of paper. Sit by your abundance corner, close your eyes and think about the one word that you wrote on the piece of paper and notice what thoughts and feelings arise when you hold this word in mind. Now is the time to dispel any fear based blockages – light a smudging tool and move it mindfully around your whole body, giving yourself permission to let go of the blockages to abundance.
Take your piece of paper and complete the following affirmation as it relates to you:
One way in which I would act differently in my life if I knew deep down that I had as much X as I need is….
When you’ve written your statement down, take a piece of Citrine (a Crystal of abundance and joy) in your hand, close your eyes again, and spend sometime visualising the things you’ll do with the abundance available to you. Connect in your heart with the feelings of joy associated with this abundance; leave some space for the unexpected, as this keeps you open to magical synchronicities in your life.. when you’re ready place the piece of paper in the soil of a plant, and place this in your abundance area, this is so your dreams can manifest as the plant grows. I like to keep the piece of Citrine with me during the day as a reminder of the abundance I’m manifesting..
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3