Whenever I feel frustrated, anxious, sad or lacking motivation & energy I can usually track it back to one thing; I’m not caring for myself enough. I could list a whole host of different things that have happened that I’ll blame for the way I’m feeling, but ultimately these are just symptoms & not the cause. Healing Crystals can help build your self-love & transform the way you feel about yourself. Crystals are a great accompaniment to a self care routine; they are quick & easy to use & a great deal of beneficial healing work can be carried out in as little as 15 minutes. For this exercise you will need 2 medium sized Clear Quartz points and 2 medium sized Milky Quartz points. The Clear Quartz points have ‘masculine’ or ‘positive’ traits which give an intense energy that stimulates mental & physical activity; great for eliminating confusion, physical exhaustion & for stimulating the Chakras.
Milky Quartz points have ‘feminine’ or ‘negative’ energies which are very calming & counteract the effect of over-stimulation. They can be used to accelerate spiritual momentum & activate the Chakras relating to intuition & clairvoyance. Milky Quartz is useful if you are suffering from too much mental, emotional or physical activity which causes painful headaches & migraines.
Make sure you have at least three hours between the end of your routine & bedtime because Quartz is a stimulating crystal & could affect your sleep.
Start your routine by laying down in a place where you will be comfortable for at least 15 minutes.
Place a Clear Quartz point at the top of your head; 15 cm (6 inches) away from the Crown Chakra with the point facing towards the top of the head.
In your left hand hold a Milky Quartz point facing upwards & slightly pointing towards your wrist.
Between your feet & just below them, place a Milky Quartz point with the point facing towards the body.
In your right hand hold a Clear Quartz point facing down towards your feet.
Relax in this position for at least 15 minutes & repeat an affirmation specific to any issues that you want to address. If you have no specific concerns, a general affirmation to focus on throughout this treatment could be “My mind, body, & soul are energised – I am stronger & will succeed”
After 15 minutes gently & slowly sit yourself up, taking care to ensure that you are grounded before you get up…
Try to give yourself time for this routine two or three times a week.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3