Think of the Third Eye as that bridge between your Soul & the Universe. We are all Universe energy manifesting as human, & it’s the Third Eye where we hold the link. It’s the birthing place of your intuition & connection to Divine Realms. By opening your Third Eye, it not only grants you access into the unseen world, but it also releases feel good chemicals that can help to make life on earth just that little bit easier.
If we want to enhance our intuition & strengthen Divine connection, the foundation is the Third Eye. It’s also believed to be the Pineal Gland, which is an important part of the brain & is said to regulate dreams, consciousness & ability to see things that are not in this 3D world.
When the Pineal Gland or Third Eye is closed off, it can manifest as confusion, narrow-mindedness, an inability to see the truth, feeling closed off from our purpose, negative emotions & it can also lower our vibration.
The Pineal Gland is prone to calcification & can become blocked off through poor nutrition, preservatives, additives, inorganic foods, processed foods & fluoride. To open the Third Eye, our Pineal Gland needs nourishment.
To nourish & help decalcify the Pineal, here are some suggestions-
Avoid fluoridated water & toothpaste
Eat organic & local produce whenever possible
Limit your intake of meat
Avoid processed foods
Avoid carbonated drinks
Get plenty of sunshine
Eat superfoods rich in antioxidants like cacao, spirulina etc.
Eat raw foods with every meal
Practice self-love, meditation & deep breathing
Avoid using microwaves, cell phones, wi-fi & other devices that emit electromagnetic radiation (EMF)
By nourishing the body with the right nutrition & self-care, it’s going to make it a lot easier to hear our intuition, see auric energy & access Divine realms.
There are a few ways to activate the Third Eye, but this method is one of my favourites. You will need the following:
Cleansed & charged Amethyst Crystal
This exercise is best done outside in nature & when the Sun is either rising, setting or at its highest point in the sky. Also experiment with doing this on the Full Moon.
Take the charged Crystal & place it in the middle of the forehead, just above the eyes. Take a few deep breaths in & out & as you do this, visualise the purple energy of the Amethyst going into your Third Eye & filling it up with activated energy.
Hold the Amethyst in place, & with closed eyes, look up directly into the Sun. Allow the Sun to warm the crystal & activate it. Once the Sun & the Crystal meet, take 7 deep breaths in & out. (Please be careful of your eyes in the Sun!)
This exercise may need repeating a few times, but when used in conjunction with meditation & a healthy diet, the Third Eye will be well on the way to being supercharged.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3