Green is a great harmoniser and balancer of the Universe. Getting rid of negative emotions and mental stress, it restores stability. A wonderful colour to use when you’re feeling indecisive.
Green is made up of yellow and blue, yellow being the last part of the magnetic, hot side of the spectrum; and blue being the first part of the electric, cool side. Yellow clarifies and blue brings wisdom. This energy brings growth, compassion, unconditional love, openness, forgiveness, acceptance and contentment. Children benefit from its calming effects, as green is sleep-inducing.
Use Green when:
* you need to soothe your nerves
* you have tension headaches
* you want to find peace and harmony
* you have digestive issues
* you need to calm down

The healing properties of Green are diverse. Connecting with and stimulating the Heart Chakra, Green affects blood pressure and all conditions of the heart. It has both an energising and a soothing effect.
You’ll find great support from the energy in these lovely Green Crystals:
Green Aventurine is a comforter and a healer. Balancing our state of mind, it stimulates perception and enhances our creativity, allowing us to see all the possibilities.
Moss Agate is a Stone of new beginnings. Refreshing the soul, it enables us to see beauty in everything. Promoting self-expression and communication, it stabilises our emotions, releasing fear and stress.
Beryl opens the Crown and Solar Plexus Chakras, stimulating adaptability, activity and vitality.
Known as the Seer Stone, it’s wonderful for developing scrying skills, and providing insights into ceremonial magic.
Chrysocolla calms, cleanses and re-energises all the Chakras. It draws out guilt, heals heartache and increases our capacity to love. Improving communication and opening psychic vision, it brings self-awareness and inner balance.
Malachite is an important protection Stone. It clears and activates the Chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. Opening the heart to unconditional love, it encourages risk-taking and change, teaching us how to take responsibility for our actions, thoughts and feelings.
Amazonite is a very soothing Stone. Calming the brain and nervous system it helps us maintain good health. Balancing masculine and feminine energies it allows us to see both sides of a problem. It soothes emotional trauma, easing worry and fear.
Peridot releases and neutralises toxins on all levels. It heals feelings of jealousy, resentment, hatred and greed, reducing all the stress, anger and guilt associated with that. Opening our hearts to joy and new relationships, it increases our confidence, motivating growth and change.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3