Crystals are amazing – certainly not just pretty stones.
They have the ability to store, transmit & amplify energy – if you find yourself doubting this, just take time out to remember what’s working tirelessly behind the scenes to make your personal computer so powerfully special.
Spending time around Crystals will show you how engaging they can be…
In fact, many Crystal lovers consider them to be alive… & will tell you that you don’t find them – the Crystal finds you. If you learn to listen you’ll hear their words, not verbally of course, but intuitively.
Empowering your Crystals with Reiki is very simple, especially if you’re a Reiki practitioner. If you don’t practice this amazing art, Reiki practitioners are easily found & will be happy to help you.
After charging a Crystal (or having a Crystal charged), you’ll find that whenever you rub that particular facet you’ll activate each stored programme.
What can you charge them to do?
Anything – absolutely anything!
The only limitation is your own imagination – for example:
Protect your home
Look after your car
Encourage your pot plants or garden to grow
Give you a wake up call in the morning
Be safe when travelling etc.
Holding a Crystal during exams is soothing to the nerves & it could also be charged with some difficult to remember facts & figures. Just rub the appropriately filled facet & the answer will just ‘pop’ into your head
You could also try wearing a Reiki charged Crystal around your neck for personal protection, attracting a suitable partner or as a money magnet.
The practical possibilities of mixing Crystals with Reiki are only limited by your imagination…
Reiki empowers the Crystal, the Crystal amplifies the Reiki. It’s a fabulous mix.
Crystals are magic. Supercharge the magic with Reiki, & who knows what will happen…
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3