No matter how positive a person you are, there will be times when you feel like your world is falling apart. When it hits, no matter what the cause the way it effects us is the same. We feel unbalanced, disorientated & unable to think properly about anything else other than the issue that’s consuming our mind. Day to day routines go out of the window & our eating habits can change; we either don’t eat or we binge eat. This is how we can end up on a downward spiral if we don’t take care.
So how can we stop this from getting out of hand?
For me, I always turn to my Crystals & Reiki.
It’s important to pay attention to our needs & look for the Crystals that can help us achieve our goal of getting our mind back in gear, to enable us to find the productive path that leads to a positive life again. Assess the situation for what it is, asking what lessons were learnt through this experience & what is needed to help let go of the situation & move forward.
This is my Crystal Survival Kit – it works for me!
Clear Quartz – to regain clarity of mind
Angelite – brings peace, love & compassion
Apache Tear – to ease the feeling of grief & allow it to dissolve
Mookaite – to regain emotional balance, promote optimism & to allow & accept change
Fluorite – for focus on what’s important & to help end the mindless chatter
Carnelian – to bring back the wonderful feeling of enthusiasm & a zest for life
Crazy Lace Agate – to help let things go & not harbour grudges
Ametrine – a mix of two beautiful Crystals, Amethyst & Citrine. Amethyst will help us to visualise the change we want to bring about & Citrine will help us to manifest it!
Use any one or all of these Crystals in support of your goal –
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3