Wealth is a living energy that flows through every part of the economy & touches everyone; it’s for all, not just a few, everyone has a birthright to it & the best thing to do to increase your wealth & abundance is to affirm this right.
It’s possible to build resistance to this by using affirmations such as, ‘I am wealthy’ & ‘wealth comes to me everyday’ – this straight away creates an inner resistance because you’re trying to tell yourself something that you don’t believe to be the truth. A better belief would be, wealth is available to me. This shouldn’t cause an inner argument because it doesn’t contradict what you see, & this is crucial because that inner argument you have with reality is the resistance. You can do without that because it will definitely interfere with your manifesting. The idea that wealth is available is true because it’s about a possibility. Just because there are no flowers growing in a flower bed doesn’t mean a seed couldn’t land there & grow tomorrow; so you’re only disengaging your belief of what’s possible with what currently is.
Manifesting is about your will & creating what you want in the World. This involves the Solar Plexus Chakra, all the yellow Crystals are wonderful to work with in this area. Citrine, Yellow Calcite are two of my favourites.
Abundance is about receiving & believing that you’re worthy, this involves the Heart Chakra. My favourite Crystals to work with in this area are Aventurine & Emerald. So working with green & yellow Crystals combined is ideal & extremely powerful; wear them, meditate with them or create a grid. For a basic grid you need a couple of focus Stones and six supporting Stones. Clear Quartz is an ideal support because of its magnifying ability.
The power of the green & yellow Crystals lies in the fact that manifesting is Divine Love. It’s the Universe saying yes to your heart’s desire & your agreement to receive. Even though in your heart you may want something, because of free will, you have to actually ask & receive in order to have it. So the Solar Plexus (yellow) Crystals help align your personal will with Divine will & your belief in yourself & your power to create; while the Heart (green) Crystals help align your heart with Divine Love & your belief in your worthiness & ability to be open to receive..
Together they will help you align to manifest what you really want with Divine power – & there really is nothing more powerful than that!