Making your own Crystal infused spritzer is a really lovely way to cleanse your space. First find yourself a glass bottle with a spray top, if you don’t already have one they’re really easy to find online. The next step is to choose your Crystals. Some of my favourites for cleansing are Snowy Quartz and Amethyst. Ideally you want to use small polished tumble stones, or Crystal chips. Always make sure the Crystals you choose have been cleansed and that you’ve placed your own blessing or intention on them. Next, place the Crystals in the bottle and fill it with filtered or natural mineral water. To intensify the cleanse and add a wonderful natural scent, put a couple of drops of essential oil into the spritzer. Some oils I like to use that are associated with cleansing are, Lemon, Peppermint, Holy Basil or Palo Santo. Now its ready you can spritz away, making the energy in your home fresh and Crystal sparkly..
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3