Self belief & confidence are such an important quality in life. Without it, we find ourselves unable to either effect or accept change, & feel unable to reach out & connect with others. During a crisis of confidence, most of us retreat inwards, & this creates a vicious circle – because the more we avoid doing what we dread, the more we dread it.
During these times my favourite Crystals are:
Rose Quartz – it’s vibration is extremely popular and usually associated with love. Encouraging us to love & accept ourselves, showing us that once we do this, self belief & confidence follow.
Hematite is known for its ability to block negativity. Along with Citrine, this is a good Stone to use if other people are affecting our self belief & confidence. Hematite also helps with concentration & focus, so if we need an extra boost of self belief before an exam or a test, this is one Stone which should really help.
Blue Chalcedony is a gorgeous pale blue Stone which connects with the Throat Chakra. Helping us to find our voice & giving us the courage to speak out, it provides all round assertiveness & self belief, giving a natural confidence boost.
Citrine is one of the most commonly available yellowy-gold Crystals, & it’s a wonderful support, providing a sunny energy boost, which is often all that’s needed to increase self belief. As we become more positive, with help from this Crystal, our confidence naturally increases too. Known as the success stone, it’s a good one to carry when facing an important day. Citrine absorbs negativity from the aura, so if someone else’s hurtful remarks have caused a confidence crisis, this Crystal will help.
Believe in Yourself!
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3