Life can sometimes be hard to digest and we suppress our emotions internally, creating a sense of unease that has a chaotic effect on our outer World. These are my go-to Crystals for a boost of healthy energy..

Turquoise – is the master healer. It’s the energetic bridge between heaven & earth. Turquoise is a stone of communication that helps us speak our truth, from the highest source of love..

Bloodstone – often worn as an amulet to help purify the blood, in ancient times. When our blood & energy is flowing smoothly, our life force remains strong & healthy. This stone is a powerful energiser, helping us overcome lethargy, negative thoughts & self-doubt. Bloodstone also helps boost enthusiasm, increase drive & maintain emotional wellbeing.

Smokey Quartz transmutes negative energy & acts as a protective shield against unwanted energy. It helps us let go of old patterns & belief systems that are holding us back. It releases all blocked & old energy in the body. Once all of our old energy is removed, new energy is able to fill the open space with light & hope.

Carnelian helps us attract our deepest desires. It removes blocked creative energy that may be dominating our minds & leaves us feeling uninspired. Its vibrant orange colour stimulates our passion to move forward & achieve our dreams. It’s an action Stone that restores motivation, confidence & joy.

Quartz Crystal is made of silica, the most abundant element on the earth. It also makes up the human body, on a cellular level. When Quartz touches our skin, a merging of energy happens, which encourages good health & healing. A very powerful Crystal, it transmutes negativity & amplifies energy to raise our vibration & help us align with light & clarity.

Aventurine helps us to overcome feelings of self-doubt. It opens up the energy of the heart, attracting new opportunities. Helping to increase confidence, self-worth & optimism. As our mind & energy field open, we’re able to see the infinite abundance that surrounds us.

Shungite protects against EMF. Millions of years old, Shungite is an ancient Stone that’s found in Russia. Scientists are still currently researching the full potential of this magical mineral. It’s a powerful shield against electrical magnetic energy (EMF), & helps to absorb negative energy & pollutants. Place a piece of Shungite next to computers or wear it as an energetic shield.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3