Feel your way to what you need. You’re likely to discover what you’re looking for through your own intuition. Put your Crystal team into a line up, create a Crystal arc like a rainbow in front of you. Rub your hands together gently three times to stimulate the Chakra points at the centre of your hands, then move your dominant hand across the arc, left to right. Close your eyes, & take long deep breaths. This sense of turning within, will give you greater response to the stimulation from without. Now think about your intention – asking is important. The words don’t have to be exact, you’ll find your voice by simply giving life to it:

Please guide me to what I need..
I am confident of the selection made for me.
Crystals, hear my call.

Lightly float your hand right to left & left to right – keep it moving back & forth – your hand provides feedback. Concentrate on deep slow breathing, repeating your intention. Move your mind more towards statements such as, ‘I feel you’ or ‘I’. You might feel a gentle prickle in your hand as it passes over what you need, or a warmth or maybe a coolness passing between you & the Crystal. Lower your hand to where you’ve been drawn to. If your hand lands on two Crystals, that’s fine, take both. Crystals don’t cancel each other out, they work as a team..
Crystal Blessings, Sharon <3