Calcite is a really powerful amplifier of energy. A piece of Calcite in a room will clean all negative energy & increase the households energy levels. It’s an active Crystal that speeds up development & growth physically, mentally & spiritually. There’s a wide variety of colours in Calcite making it wonderful to heal & energise all the Chakras.
BLACK CALCITE is a record keeping Crystal, it’s used for regression & regaining buried memories so the past can be released. It returns the soul to the body after emotional or physical trauma.
Helping us to overcome depression, this Crystal connects with the Earth Chakra grounding us in the present & helping us find our path in life.
BLUE CALCITE is a gentle Crystal, making it ideal to help with recovery from illness. Lowering blood pressure it dissolves pain on all levels, gently soothing the nerves, relieving panic attacks & unwanted emotions. Connecting with the Throat Chakra it helps to improve communication with others especially if there’s a disagreement. Blue calcite absorbs energy, filters it & returns it back to us.
CLEAR CALCITE is a powerful detoxifier, acting as an antiseptic it’s ideal for Crystal water. Aligning all the Chakras, it’s a Crystal for creating new beginnings. Helping with the healing & revitalisation of all the auras, it opens & clears our inner vision & eyes.
COBALTO CALCITE symbolises unconditional love & forgiveness. A Crystal of self discovery, it connects the heart with the mind. When we’re unsure where we need to go spiritually Cobalto Calcite helps us find our life purpose. Allowing us to transfer ideas into action without forcing the pace, it harmonises the intellect & the emotions, bringing the two into balance. It’s a wonderful Crystal for emotional healing, overcoming emotional blocks, loneliness, grief or a broken heart.
It calms intense feelings, encouraging us to love ourselves & others, bringing a sense of feeling good about life, providing wonderful support to those who have given up hope.
GREEN CALCITE is a mental healer, it dissolves rigid belief systems & old programming to restore balance & understanding to the mind. It helps in letting go of what is familiar & comforting, removing emotional & cultural conditioning giving us a healthier view on life.
It encourages better communication, in particular helping children communicate effectively with others.
A stimulant for the immune system, this Crystal removes negativity & gets rids of bacterial infections. When placed on the Heart Chakra Green Calcite will help to reduce fever. Placed on a wound site it will relieve burns & inflammation. Calming the adrenal glands it soothes anger issues. Green Calcite should be cleaned after each use as it absorbs so much negative energy.
HEMATOID CALCITE is a naturally occurring combination of Hematite & Calcite. A stabilising Crystal that’s ideal for grounding us in the present. Connecting with the Base Chakra, it balances the energy of the Kundalini at its source. Place a piece in your home or office & it will absorb any negative energy in the area. Ideal for improving & boosting the memory. Hematoid Calcite assists in improving memory retention, reduces confusion & restores structured thought patterns. Supporting our need for self healing, it helps increase our natural healing defences & immune system.
ICICLE CALCITE is a spiritual guidance Crystal that increases creativity on all levels.
Amplifying & activating Kundalini energy this Crystal removes negativity & blockages from the physical & etheric body.
Icicle Calcite connects our mind with our emotions & increases our ability to see problems from a different perspective. Helping us to understand the cause of psychosomatic disease & DNA imbalances it assists us in correcting the problem.
Spiritually Icicle Calcite helps us understand & heal past life issues that have been brought into the present & are still negatively affecting us. Gently removing fear & stress by helping us understand situations, & allowing serenity into our life, guiding us on our path with courage.
MANGANO CALCITE connects with the Heart Chakra, allowing us better communication with the angelic realm. A Crystal of forgiveness, it releases fear & grief in the past & present bringing unconditional love to ourselves & others. Increasing our self worth & self acceptance Mangano Calcite heals nervous tension, panic attacks & anxiety. This Crystal eases shyness, fearfulness, & agitation. It will help prevent night terrors & nightmares if placed under your pillow at night.
ORANGE CALCITE is a highly energising & cleansing Crystal, especially for the Lower Chakras. Balancing the emotions & removing fear, it helps to overcome depression & anxiety, increasing our potential to succeed. An ideal Crystal for the Sacral Chakra as it balances & heals the reproductive organs, gallbladder & upper & lower intestines.
RED CALCITE increases our energy, uplifts emotions, increases willpower & opens & heals the Base & Heart Chakras. It removes fear & gently brings a better understanding of the source. It will heal hip and lower limb problems by loosening tight joints, easing arthritis & rheumatism. On a more subtle level Red Calcite will remove blockages that prevent us from stepping into the unknown, moving toward our future.
YELLOW CALCITE is also known as Gold or Honey Calcite. It’s wonderful for meditation, inducing a deep state of relaxation & attuning to the higher mental planes. It instils mental alertness while it grounds the higher mental energies to the physical realm. Placed on the Solar Plexus Chakra it helps our digestive system, diaphragm & skin. Bringing a sense of relaxation, while also providing energy to move forward with life. Yellow Calcite stimulates the will. Its energy particularly as Crystal water is uplifting.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3