If you want a little extra help in the pregnancy & fertility department, these are the ‘go to’ Crystals.. remember, nothing is guaranteed but the Crystal energy will definitely help..

Moonstone is referred to as a “woman’s healing stone”, traditionally used for feminine healing & balancing of the female hormones; it’s one of the most powerful Crystals for fertility & will help to align you with your natural rhythm. It has a reflective & calming energy & balances our emotions caused by stress & anxiety. Also said to have the power to grant wishes. Moonstone is a love stone, & will draw love to its wearer & help solve problems between lovers. If it’s worn during sexual intercourse, it not only can make the woman very fertile, it’s said to help impregnate her too.

Rose Quartz; this one is known as a “bubble bath for the soul”. It’s great for calming us & is known to powerfully increase fertility!

Unakite is wonderful for harmonizing & balancing the reproductive system & is also a great aid for a healthy pregnancy.

Moldavite is a fantastic green Stone that can help us in our efforts to increase fertility. It’s very special, a Star Stone; it is believed to have been formed in the collision of a giant asteroid with the Earth. The Stones are talismans of connectivity. Just holding one is quite a rush & there is an immediate feeling of connection to the Cosmos <3

Carnelian can give a fantastic fertility & energy boost, promoting sexuality & planned reproduction. It will also stimulate & balance the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix & vagina. It alleviates PMS & balances reproductive hormones, helping to guard against miscarriage.

Now, what to do with them? Well, very simply rest with the stones on your belly or over your ovaries for 10-15 minutes a day or you can hold them while meditating. Try to visualize the baby inside you & your healthy pregnancy the whole time. You may also like to keep this little kit in your pocket, bra, in your purse or pillow case while you sleep just to keep the good vibes nearby all the while.
The key is to try to Relax…don’t obsess about it while you’re meditating – that would be like praying for what you don’t want!
I wish everyone that wants it, to have wonderful fertility & happy pregnancies all round
Crystal Blessings <3