The planets are massive, heavenly rocks that influence our bodies here on Earth. Crystals are massive, inner-earth rocks & also influence our bodies.
“As above, so below” is a Universal Law, and as such, the beautiful Crystals that form below us also correspond to the beautiful planets that rotate & spiral around us.
We know from astrology that the planets “speak” to one another through their aspects (conjunct, square, trine, opposition, etc). Just as they influence our bodies on Earth, the planets also connect to that which forms within the earth.
Every planet has corresponding crystals that share a type of energetic resonance. Basically, everything is connected.
We know what Crystals are, how they form, how they are classified, how they can energetically impact our bodies. A different approach to choosing Crystals would be based on the planetary influence – here is my list to get you started:
Planet: Sun – the body/ego, the father, men, power
Crystals: Clear Quartz, Citrine, Goldstone
Effects: vitality, generosity, courage, freedom

Planet: Moon – the emotions/psychology, the mother, women, nurture
Crystals: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Selenite
Effects: emotional balance, calm meditation, introspection, manifestation

Planet: Mercury – intelligence, mischief, communication, learning
Crystals: Aventurine, Agate varieties, Sodalite
Effects: sharp intellect, eloquence, artistic sense, clarity

Planet: Venus – self-love, relationships, pleasures, maternal love
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Unakite, Amethyst
Effects: harmony, gentleness, sensuality, beauty

Planet: Mars – catalyst, courage, sexual energy, siblings
Crystals: Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Unakite, Amber, Ruby, Garnet
Effects: action, energy, virility, leadership

Planet: Jupiter – fortune, abundance, expansion, children
Crystals: Black Obsidian, Lapis, Green Aventurine, Topaz, Amethyst, Sodalite
Effect: success, influence, justice, material/spiritual wealth

Planet: Saturn – challenges, lessons, restrictions, karma
Crystals: Smokey Quartz, Black Obsidian, Onyx, Hematite, Jet
Effect: endurance, stabilisation, crystallisation, growth

Planet: Uranus – the provocateur, awakenings, shock & awe, innovation
Crystals: Aquamarine, Clear, Rutilated & Tourmalinated Quartz, Diamond
Effect: perspective shifts, realignment, self-initiation, empowerment

Planet: Neptune – mysticism, delusions, dreams, imagination, idealism
Crystals: Labradorite, Fluorite, Jade, Quartz varieties, Amethyst, Sapphire, Moldavite
Effect: illusion-busting, clarity, high meditation, new unfoldings

Planet: Pluto – transformation, healing, regeneration, upheaval
Crystals: Smokey Quartz, Obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Kunzite, Kyanite
Effects: transmutation, harmony, rebirth, the “Phoenix rising” archetype

Under this astrological umbrella, there are two approaches we can take in choosing a Crystal: “Like Heals Like,” or “Opposites Attract.”
Like Heals Like:
Working with Stones that correlate with our favourable planets, can expand their beneficial effects in our lives. If transits are coming up that are beneficial, you can use a Crystal to amplify the energy. To find your transits, pull up your free natal chart at, click the button that says “with transits,” and look how the green outer planets are lining up with your natal planets.

Opposites Attract:
If there are planets or transits that are causing trouble or confusion, you can use the corresponding Crystal to temper the energy, integrate it, & use it to your advantage & growth.
For instance, if you’re in your Saturn return or Saturn square, you can work with Smokey Quartz or Black Obsidian. Transits or not, however, Obsidian always embodies that Saturnine energy. It’s intense. It acts fast & hard & digs deep into your subconscious to bring your blockages to the surface to be dealt with. Smokey Quartz can also activate Kundalini energy to shake up any dormant energy & release that which no longer serves.

You could think of a planet as a giant crystal ball giving us glimpses into our lives
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3