Crystals have wonderful healing powers & can be a great support for everyone; these are my top 9 Crystals that resonate with men & their masculine energy:

Amethyst is a “Master Healer”, also called the “Royal Stone”. Amethyst’s most noted healing quality is its ability to purify & transmute all forms of negativity. Get a large Amethyst Crystal cluster for your home or office; it will protect you from negative energy. If you feel anxious & it causes shortness of breath, put the cluster on or near your chest & breath slowly for a few minutes to help bring calm. Consider a large, well-set Amethyst Crystal ring to enhance your personal magnetism & to provide mental clarity. Amethyst is also helpful for migraines & arthritic pains.
The “Sex Stone” – Garnet restores physical & emotional energy lost through constantly ensuring the protection & welfare of others. When feeling a bit lost in the chaos of daily life, Garnet helps to provide grounding & to become more decisive. Garnet is well-known for regenerating our sexuality (the physical aspects). For best effects, tape a small half-inch piece at the Hara centre – one and one-half inches below the navel – & wear it overnight.

Jade is a Crystal of tranquillity, also known as “the Sport Stone”, promoting agility & swiftness. Many men from the Far East know the benefits of wearing Jade; it’s a Crystal that gets darker with good health & lighter with declining health. It soothes the emotions, providing emotional detachment & restoration after various traumas such as minor surgery, divorce, funerals, or loss of job. It’s known to bring good luck.

“The Love Stone” – Rose Quartz is another Master Healer that’s very good for transmuting emotional negativity at all levels. It enhances our ability to give & receive love, by opening the Heart Chakra & stimulating greater flexibility in communication. It provides peace in relationships through harmony. Rose Quartz is used for meditation, as its calming energy stills our thoughts & provides mental tranquility. It can help heal a broken heart very quickly too.

The “Emotional Balancer” – Smokey Quartz is a great Crystal to have when surrounded by negative emotional energy. It’s excellent for mood swings, aggression, & bad tempers; grounding all kinds of negative energy. It’s helpful for burnout, fear of failure, reluctance to take risks, or wanting revenge, as well as for tendencies to over-eat, smoke or drink due to stress. Helping us to accept responsibility for ourselves, it will broaden our capacity for effective communication by dissolving self-limiting perceptions.

“The King of Crystals” – Diamond intensifies & activates our internal energies through its purity of vibration. The better the quality of Diamond, the better our own personal qualities. When freely given, Diamond power is activated & can be used for manifesting abundance & increasing self-esteem. It’s a token of love & both enhances & radiates the beauty of the wearer.

“The Stress Stone” – Hematite is a versatile stone, used for enhancing our logic, mathematical abilities, rational thinking & depth of technical knowledge. It grounds creative energy to make our thoughts more practical & focused. Hematite reflects negativity back to the sender, so we don’t end up with someone else’s stress. For backache or leg cramps, use surgical tape to fix a few pieces onto painful areas. The Crystal’s energy is like a magnet & will draw out pain related to muscular or joint alignment problems. Hematite is also used to help cure insomnia.

“The Stone of The Pharaohs” – Lapis Lazuli is well-known as a favourite stone used in the courts of the ancient Egyptian Kings. Lapis means “stone” & Lazuli means “blue”. This deep blue stone is used for stimulating mental strength & intellectual precision. Lapis raises our consciousness & awareness to new heights. It brings feelings of success & connectedness. For intuitive people, Lapis intensifies psychic power.

“A Man’s Stone” – The deep forest green of Malachite is symbolic of the deep healing & cleansing this stone provides. It can break down old patterns, whether emotional (stuck patterns of behaviour) or physical (tumours, swollen joints, muscular). Malachite promotes business relationships & the increase of wealth by removing obstacles in our development..
Crystal Blessings