Try these Crystals & Mantras to see how they work together:

Mantra: “I am unique. I am amazing.”
Amethyst helps us to see & appreciate our own gifts that make us unique! Keep some close by to nurture our talents & encourage us to explore new ones!
Wear Amethyst to enhance the aura & self-esteem.

Mantra: “I encourage positive change & share my talents with the World.”
Carnelian helps us make small changes each day that lead to a bigger difference overall. Enabling us to vocalise our intentions & share our gifts with others.
Hold Carnelian as a super energy Stone when a boost is needed.
Place Carnelian around the home to promote self-belief.

Mantra: “I am not afraid. I embrace courage, success, & self-worth.”
Citrine is the perfect Crystal companion to help us work through fears, hesitations, or blocks around sharing our gifts. This Stone allows us to embrace our strengths & helps to create the success we deserve.
Re-balance the Solar Plexus Chakra by wearing Citrine when you feel low. Keep a piece on your desk at work to boost creative outlets.

Mantra: “I am happy. I am surrounded by friends & family that support my happiness.”
Blue Lace Agate is great for promoting positivity & brings supportive people to us, helping to maintain balance in all aspects of life.
Give Blue Lace Agate to your partner to promote faithfulness in your relationship.
Meditate with this Stone to activate its protective qualities & block out negativity.

Mantra: “I welcome wealth & abundance into my life. I am always creating thoughts of prosperity.”
Green Aventurine is a powerful Stone for manifesting wealth & to let abundance flow into our lives.
Wear Aventurine to protect from negative influences that drain energy.
Meditating with this Stone will bring us closer to our spirit guides.

Mantra: “My mind, body, & soul are energised – I am stronger & will succeed.”
Clear Quartz unifies our mind, body & soul, charging us with our intentions & helping us stay focused to achieve our goals. It helps us brush off anything negative. Quartz Crystals on your desk will focus energy & inspiration toward work.
Leaving a piece next to the bed will re-energise us while we sleep.

Mantra: “I open myself up to the transformation & invoke the manifestation of my highest destiny.”
Awaken higher intuition with Moldavite, which can help us channel messages to our spirit guides. Moldavite is great to use for astral travel, telepathy & spiritual work.
Hold a piece of Moldavite to your brow to open the Third Eye Chakra.
A piece of this stone near your bed encourages lucid dreaming.

Mantra: “I radiate beauty, confidence & grace.”
Pair this self-affirmation with a Rose Quartz Crystal to be surrounded with loving vibrations. This Crystal also helps draw people towards us, helping us to form more friendships.
A lovely bath with Rose Quartz will soothe our skin & increase loving passion.

Mantra: “I surrender both my past & my future; I live in the power of now.”
Hold Unakite while speaking this self-affirmation. It’s a Stone of leadership & personal power, & helps to unlock blockages that may have accumulated in our past, leaving us with the space to enjoy the moment we’re in now.
Meditate with Unakite to discover more about past lives.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3