Angels are Spirits, Beings of Light. Asking a Crystal to assist in communication with the Angels & stating our intention is always a good way to open clear psychic pathways, making it easier to align our vibration to that of the Spiritual & Angelic Realms. These Crystals bring through our Angel’s favourite light to them, making it easier to communicate & strengthening the bond.

Angel Anauel is Guardian to those born January 31st to February 4th – guarding people that protect property of others, & resonates with the colour scarlett – a Ruby can provide a valuable connection to Angel Anauel. Awakening us to our Truth, nurturing inner growth & a bringing a heightened sense of intuitively knowing. Offering us the energies of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality & growth.

Angel Mehiel is Guardian to those born February 5th to February 9th – guarding all the public speakers, & resonating with the colour brown.
Bringing patience & inner peace, many people like to use Petrified Wood to help connect with the energies of the Earth. It’s a great way to keep the vibrations of nature near, encouraging us to respect the environment, living in harmony with the Spirit of the Planet.

Angel Damabiah is Guardian to those born February 10th to February 14th – guarding all who fly, & resonates with the colour brown.
Desert Roses hold a spirit guardian, & each one is different. This makes them useful as protective talismans & increases our self-confidence. Those who are timid or shy will feel a lovely vibration from a Desert Rose.

Angel Manakel is Guardian to those born February 15th to February 19th – guarding all sea creatures & those that travel on the water, resonating with the colour purple.
Amethyst will give a wonderful angelic connection, transmuting our lower nature into the more highly refined aspects of our higher possibilities. As a physical representation of the Violet Ray of alchemy & transformation, it works to cut through illusion & increases psychic abilities;
wonderful for meditation & experiencing Angels.

Angel Eiael is Guardian to those born February 20th to February 24th – guarding our health & wellness, & resonates with the colour turquoise.
Hemimorphite has a vibration that increases the amount of light coming into our auric field, to help with spiritual growth.The vibration of this Stone brings increased joy, helping our emotional state to improve naturally.

Angel Habuhiah is Guardian to those born February 25th to February 29th – guarding farmers & all those who work the land, & resonates with the colour purple.
Purple Fluorite is the most peace-giving of the Fluorites, it’s a Stone of protection dedicated to the devotional aspects of the mind that connect with Spirit. Purifying the mind & increasing mental acuity, it stimulates the Third Eye Chakra in order to bring a logical & conscious awareness of how we think. It’s a wonderful Crystal for meditation & boosts our psychic abilities.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3