Take a few minutes time out for yourself today & connect with your heart. There are many ways to experience the therapeutic power of Crystals for the heart centre. For me, I place my chosen Crystal over the Heart Chakra for 10 to 15 minutes while completing this breathing exercise. I hope you find this as beautiful as I do..

Crystals I use for this exercise are:
Rose Quartz – a gentle but effective heart healer. It connects to issues around love, relationships & self love.
Green Aventurine – a very soothing stone to work with. Balancing & healing the Heart Chakra & our emotions.
Rhodochrosite – a really deep cleanser of the Heart Chakra. An ideal stone for stubborn Heart Chakra blocks & deep emotional wounds. If you’re struggling to find a Crystal to help it’s definitely time to release the Rhodochrosite!

Sit on the floor with a straight back & eyes closed. If you’re unable to sit on the floor, use a chair. Be comfortable. Take a moment to be quiet & prepare yourself.
When you’re ready, begin with ten or twenty fairly deep, gentle, continuous breaths, trying to achieve full expansion of your chest & rib cage. Allow the sternum to rise & swell forward as you breathe. Exaggerate it, but do it very, very gently.
Then inhale fully, again lifting upward with the sternum & expanding your chest. Hold the breath for a comfortable length of time, somewhere between five & twenty seconds, & as you hold your chest gently open at full expansion, feel the sensations in the area of your heart.
Feel the physical sensations of stretch & fullness that come with chest expansion, the feeling of satisfaction, of your lungs filling with air, & the need to breathe again as the seconds go by, your heart beating, your need to exhale – but feel the deeper, subtler energy as well. Feel the energy of love in the area of your heart as you hold your chest open. Then exhale quietly, releasing the breath at a comfortable pace & relaxing deeply. Do this twelve times.
With this technique you’re increasing your sensitivity to the vibratory feeling in the area of your heart. Think of this as a vortex of energy in the vicinity of your physical heart but not your actual physical heart. You will be able to feel this vortex of energy more & more with practice. Don’t attempt to hold the breath as long as you can, only for as long as is comfortable. You should still be able to exhale smoothly & quietly. There should be no strain whatsoever. Exhale when you need to & keep the breath soft & peaceful. This isn’t a contest. It doesn’t matter how long you hold the breath. Use the technique to increase your sensitivity to the inner feeling.
When you’ve completed the twelve breaths, sit absolutely still for another minute or two & simply be aware of how you feel. Stay conscious of the feelings in the area of your heart & core & feel what you feel. Stay aware of the changing sensations that accompany breathing in the area of your heart, the sensations throughout your core & body, the space around your body, & especially the overall energetic feeling. Willingly let go of everything you think you know about who you are, & allow yourself to experience You with clarity.
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3