Crystal Eggs symbolise birth or re-birth & are known as fertility talismans which contain & shape energy. The top or more pointed end is really effective when used in reflexology, massage or acupressure. Encouraging growth & new beginnings, eggs are extremely tactile & are just the right shape to hold in your hands during meditation or when relaxing. Holding the egg will allow it to release its healing energies into your aura. When used for healing the Crystal eggs will help to detect & balance blockages within the body as a whole. Choose a type of Crystal that relates to your needs.

Try this when you meditate: Holding the egg in your hand & with eyes closed, visualise it getting larger & larger until it’s large enough for you to step inside. You may have a small door in your egg that you can open and step through or you may see the walls become thin, allowing you to just melt through into the centre. Inside the egg you’re fully protected. You may also see a fountain inside the egg that you can stand under, cleansing away negativity & feelings that no longer serve you. Step out of the fountain, dry off before stepping out of the egg, fully protected & completely renewed..
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3