The Third Eye Chakra is associated with inspiration, intuition, memory, imagination, dreams, higher consciousness, & transcendence.

It’s also known as the “Brow” Chakra or “Third Eye” because it sits on the forehead in between our eyebrows; it’s the foundation of seeing & higher seeing. This energy centre governs everything visual & the interpretation & storage of those visuals. This includes images received from our eyes – images that are from here on the physical plane & then become memories – as well as images that have never actually been seen with our physical eyes, such as dreams, or even visions of higher planes or spirits.

Intuition is strongly linked to the Third Eye, which makes perfect sense because intuition is a type of non-visual seeing, a method of discerning truth without physical evidence. Energy Healers use their intuition as a guide.

Since the Sixth Chakra is all about seeing & understanding, when we choose not to see the truth of a situation, it can create blockages in the Chakra, which is not good for our health. Conditions related to the eyes & nose like glaucoma, cataracts, or sinus infections can develop, as can headaches or migraines, & neurological problems can be related to a severely dysfunctional Sixth Chakra too.

On the opposite spectrum from a blocked Sixth Chakra, an open & expanded Sixth Chakra offers heightened awareness for greater seeing, possibly even clairvoyance, greater hearing, greater understanding of the World, & a deeper connection to spirit guides, angels, & Source. When our Third Eye starts to open & grow, it’s almost like magic, with a sense of the synchronicity of the Universe. Things that would have previously seemed like coincidences suddenly make sense & we realise that nothing is really random – it’s all part of the grand design. With the power of our Sixth Chakra, we receive inspiration, perception, & wisdom beyond our five senses.

Use Crystallis Chakra Candles to help balance your Sixth Chakra.. The candle’s flame is a metaphor for the soul! It gives a tranquil & almost hypnotic atmosphere to those who allow its power to take them to a very special place.

A candle acts as a “self-object”. A self-object is a reflection of our self, a reflection upon which we can act. It burns as a reminder & symbol of our desires. Many cultures have always believed in the power of fire, colour, candles, & meditation for health. The practice of burning candles & living in the soft, calming light of natural fire is good for the soul.

Candles are wonderful to use when meditating. The aroma of various essential oils mixed in with the wax evokes healing properties naturally occurring in our body. The many colours that candles come in are helpful for balance which stimulates the brain to produce different healing hormones.
Light the seven Chakra candles together & release their colours & fragrances into the room. Burning candles unites the power of mind, body, & spirit.

The rainbow colours of the candles have an amazing healing power when lit together. Energy in itself is the vital source, which radiates from everything & everyone around us. When we are ill, upset or angry, our moods & our energy is altered. Coming in contact with energy that’s negative can often be sensed & felt. The result is often a feeling of uneasiness or confusion. Cleansing our space with a candle is a way to use both fire & fragrance to clear a room.

Candles enhance the healing experience, making it more spiritual & beneficial. These candles combine colour therapy with aromatherapy & are a great way to enhance energy healing sessions & meditation.
Love & Light