* Crystals can absorb & transmit light (the highest Universal energy known to be in existence). This means that Crystals can draw in Universal energy & reflect it among their internal crystalline structures, then transmit it to a receiving source – YOU!
* Crystals can be used for many types of divination (including ball & bowl scrying & pendulum dowsing). Programme your Crystals & allow the magic to flow..
* Through regular practice, the human body will begin to mimic the perfectly stable, balanced energy of Crystals.
* Crystal healing can be performed on anything that possesses an energy field. This could be a person, a plant, an animal, or even the environment.
* Both Crystals & the human body have an inherent energetic blueprint, which means the energies of the body can be balanced by simply having a Crystal positioned nearby.
* The energy vibrations from Crystals are so powerful, they can be used to re-align & direct the flow of physical, emotional, mental & spiritual energy, returning you to a state of wholeness.
* They are wonderful for clearing & balancing the Chakras, for an altogether better balanced you.
* Crystals protect us from all types of negative energies including psychic attack.
* They help develop intuition, psychic abilities & astral travel.
* Through people, Crystals are able to promote personal & planetary ascension to raise the Universal consciousness.

Crystal Blessings, Sharon <3