The Heart Chakra is our energy centre from which love, joy, happiness, & compassion come. Allowing us to feel sorrow, sadness, anger & lust, all of which are feelings of the lower Heart Chakra – but essential in understanding ourselves in this World, so that we may overcome them & move to the Higher Heart, where pure, Unconditional Love exists.
It’s the Chakra of yang, or positive energy, connecting the lower Chakras to the higher ones & is very important in our spiritual healing & development. When it’s open fully, the Heart Chakra becomes what Buddhists call Mahakaruna, A Channel for Universal Compassion – Our True Self. It’s here where we invite this Infinite Love to flow through us, allowing it to heal us & others. The lesson of the Heart is that we first must Love & Accept ourselves before we can Love Others.
When the Heart Chakra is balanced:
We feel a great compassion for all living creatures, & will recognize their amazing intelligence! We will be kind, caring, understanding, joyous & outgoing, feeling completely at ease with everyone. Our understanding of others will be such that we can accept them for who they are; we will not judge or be critical. Spending time alone is something we will not mind, & we’re not rushing into one relationship after another, in fact, we would rather wait for the “right” one to come into our life – because we know it will happen when the time is right.
Over-active Heart Chakra:
If the Heart Chakra is over-active we will find ourselves ruled by our emotions; sadness, anger, grief, despair, greediness & happiness. We may be manipulative, over critical, & judgmental. Our love may have conditions, “I will only love you if you are this way….” -more likely than not a “people pleaser”, afraid that we will not be liked or accepted by others around us. We may find ourselves in a relationship with a partner where we’re always giving but not receiving, always forgiving, & “cleaning up” after them, whether it be emotionally, or physically. Co-dependency can result & we may find it hard to let go of any relationship that no longer serves our Highest Good.
The under-active Heart Chakra:
When the Heart Chakra is under-active we will probably benegative in our thinking & find it very difficult to be positive. We may feel unloved, unworthy & unappreciated, & this will manifest in the world around us, only confirming these “beliefs” about ourselves. It’s very likely that with an under-active Chakra that we’re choosing the people we love, & the people we don’t love. We have a hard time trusting others, & have a difficult time “letting” them in, keeping everyone at a distance.
If the Heart Chakra is imbalanced the following symptoms may manifest: Heart palpitations, chest pain, poor circulation, high/low blood pressure, & in more serious cases, heart attack.
There are many ways we can balance the Chakras, here are several useful methods:
Affirmation for the Heart Chakra:
Love is the answer to everything. I am an infinite being full of Divine Love, which I give freely & openly accept from others!
The Heart Chakra is associated with the colour green. Picturing the colour green in the centre of the chest will begin to balance it. Lighting green candles & having pictures of the green found in nature around us will help our heart feel at ease, bringing balance.
Crystal Therapy for the Heart Chakra:
Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Aventurine, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Malachite, Rhodochrosite, Chrysoprase
Aromatherapy/Essential Oils for the Heart Chakra:
Sandalwood, Rose, Cedarwood
The Heart Chakra’s element is air – sitting outside & feeling the breeze, allowing our heart to feel it can be very beneficial. With the colour green around us in the trees & grass, going out walking, or laying in the grass & allowing the heart to feel it, can also begin to bring it into balance!
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3