Emerald is a wonderful Stone to hold in your next Solar Plexus Chakra meditation. Choose a leisurely & relaxed time to meditate. Create an atmosphere with oils, candles & incense..
The meditation:
You’re on a path that winds into the distance, the day is warm with a gentle breeze and you can feel the sun on your back. The air is perfumed with the scent of freshly mown grass & delicate flowers.
As you gather pace, you feel the path incline steeply, ahead is a mountain & you slowly begin to ascend.
The sides of the mountain are steep & you must use all your intuition to select the safest path.
Higher & higher you climb until you can see a plateau. There’s a fire burning in the middle of this flat ground, its golden flames lapping the air – you walk towards the fire. By the fire is a pen & paper. Stop, pick them up & think about a person to whom you’ve relinquished personal power. Write the name on the paper & hold it out to the flame. Watch the fire eat the paper until it’s completely destroyed.
Let the warmth of the fire wash over you, feel the heat regenerate your Solar Plexus, strengthening it. Connect with the power of your Solar Plexus.. know that you’re a spiritual warrior & that you have the inner resources to help you overcome all life’s challenges.
Revel in this moment of personal power & notice how it feels, tune into the signals that your body gives you so that you’ll recognise them again.
Now it’s time to leave the flame, climb down from the top of the mountain, find the safest path down.. You are the same, but different..
Your power store is now stronger than it was & will become more so each time you visit the fire on the mountain top.. & you can do so any time you choose..
And it’s now time to return to your natural surroundings