A good time for meditation is after a Crystal therapy session, your body is already relaxed and ready for a session of focused concentration.
Before you start, choose a relaxed time to meditate and create an atmosphere with oils, candles or incense in the colour of the Heart Chakra, which is green. Use a lovely green Crystal to hold onto during your meditation, the one that you feel most drawn to; I love to use Malachite. Sit or lie somewhere that you won’t be disturbed.

You can pre-record this meditation, four dots = a pause..

1. You’re beginning a journey to the Heart Chakra. Acknowledge any feelings of nervousness you might have, but don’t dwell on it…. Know that you are safe & loved..

2. See yourself on a red pathway. Feel firm earth beneath your feet…. Notice the road changing to sandy orange, then rippling beneath your feet like water…. Your feet seem lighter, & help you move on….

3. The road changes again, to a rich golden yellow. Feel its warmth penetrate your feet, warming your whole body…. everything is bathed on golden sunlight….

4. Look ahead…. The road has become green and leads to a pink castle…. as you take this green pathway it falls away beneath you, as if you’re walking on air. You are now at the entrance of the pink castle….

5. Feel the heavy door swing open into a vast pink hall. On a plinth lies your heart…. How does it look? Is it frozen in a block of ice? Or encased in chains? Or is it haemorrhaging energy from being too open to others…. Consider its state – but don’t judge what you see – you’re here to heal it….

6. Have the appropriate remedy available to you. Take a pick & chip away at the ice, breathing warm air to melt it faster…. unlock the chains with a key from your pocket….

7. Place your hands lovingly on any scars and send Universal Love t your heart to dissolve them..

8. How does your heart respond to this attention…. Be aware of a connection between what’s in your mind’s eye & what’s going on in your body…. Enjoy these moments….

9. Caress your heart & send it limitless Universal Love, knowing that the more it receive the more love will be available to others….

Crystal Blessings