If you suffer with indigestion use this Crystal Layout for a bit of healing support.
These are the Crystals you will need:
6 Clear Quartz
1 Amber
1 Citrine
1 Peridot
1 Rhodochrosite
1 Turquoise
Amber detoxifies the digestive system, clearing tension & anxiety by transmuting negative energy into positive energy.
Citrine eases digestive problems & helps with the absorption of food. It tones & cleanses the digestive system, which in turn helps with the release of toxins & cellulite.
Peridot dispels negative emotions stored in the Heart & Solar Plexus Chakras. It brings youthful renewal, acting as a tonic to spring clean the whole Chakra system.
Rhodochrosite is a dynamic Crystal, which can quickly clear the Sacral, Solar Plexus & Heart Chakras of traumatic events by bringing repressed emotions to the surface to be healed.
Turquoise is a healer of emotions of the heart. It encourages heartfelt communication & supports the energies of the Solar Plexus Chakra & the immune system that increase life energy.
The Solar Plexus Chakra governs the process of digestion, but we also need to harmonise & balance the other Chakras involved in the absorption of nutrients.
Once you have your Crystals to hand, lie down comfortably on the floor, using a yoga mat or pad.
Place the six Quartz crystals around your body, one above your head, one beneath your feet, & two at each side of your body, at the knees & elbows.
Place the Amber on your Sacral Chakra; the Citrine just below your navel; the Peridot at the tip of your breastbone; the Rhodochrosite on your Heart Chakra; the Turquoise on the breastbone between your heart & the throat.
Allow 20 minutes for your body to benefit from the healing energies of the Crystals <3
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3
Please take care to remember that Crystals are an amazing support, not to be used as a replacement for prescribed medication..
(Image: Amber from www.crystallis.org)