Full Moon is the time to clear & release dramas, upsets & disappointments. Hold the intention to release them – & breathe out! Fire & Crystals have been used by ancient healers for hundreds of years. Strong tools to cleanse our souls & create change. Once something is burned, it’s never the same again. During the Full Moon, write down all the things that you want to let go of on a piece of paper. Then, place your paper in a fire-safe bowl or pit (do this outside) & burn it until it has completely turned to ashes. The smoke will rise & disappear into the air, symbolising the negative thoughts & feelings that no longer serve you. To enhance the energy of letting go, place a Crystal next to your bowl or in your palm while your paper is burning. There are a few great Crystals you could use, such as Rutilated or Smokey Quartz; one of my favourites is Aquamarine, it’s soothing energy will help you to let go & move beyond fear, anger & negative emotional patterns. It will allow you to detach, clear the clutter & bring clarity to your mind..
Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3