Feeling stressed out & need a little help? Stay calm because this Crystal Kit will rescue you!
The full swing of our emotions can wear us down. Sometimes we feel stressed & depressed, other times we’re overwhelmed with anger & occasionally we feel fearful. So how can we regulate our emotions effectively without having to feel so worn out? Life is already short, so instead of making it miserable, we can learn to balance our emotions & be happy, using the vibrational energy from Crystals. These are the Crystals in my emotional healing kit:

Clear Quartz – a wonderful Crystal for healing mind, body & soul. It can help change our mindset about fear, an emotion which holds us back often in a big way. Everyone experiences fear in some form, fear of being alone, being judged, fear of exploring endless possibilities. What’s important is to try to work through fear in the face of reality. The vibrational energy of Clear Quartz will help us to work through fear & push forward in life.
Try this technique to release any crippling fear: sit cross-legged in a dimly lit room, hold the Crystal in a cupped hand position & feel the vibrational energy from it align with our own energy level. Look deep into the Quartz, which increases our psychic abilities. Now place the Crystal on the solar plexus (abdomen), which is also known as the fear centre. Take deep breaths, feeling any fears & doubts slowly melt away. Ask the Crystal for solutions to deal with fears. As positive affirmations drift through the mind, feel a sense of relief & courage.

I think of Amethyst as a ‘tranquiliser’ for its ability to relax the mind, reduce stress levels & relax the nervous system. Stress can be brought on by a number of factors, such as tight deadlines at work, or relationship pressures. A certain amount of stress is quite good for us, but when it gets excessive the mind & body start to feel burnt out & that’s when we can lose motivation. That’s the perfect time to turn to Amethyst, the Crystal of peace. A protector of the mind, this Crystal increases vigour & deflects any psychic attacks that may be directed towards you.
Find a quiet place where you can sit peacefully, without being disturbed or interrupted. Hold your Amethyst Crystal to your forehead & meditate for about 15 minutes. Take deep breaths & feel the calming energy flowing. As the energy flows out of the Crystal, it seeps into your nervous system & you’ll start to feel calm & peaceful

We can always turn to Sodalite for help with balancing emotions. Sodalite clears mental clutter, promoting logical & rational thinking. Helping us to make peace with our past by bringing up issues, releasing them & balancing our emotions. Sit in a quiet room, holding the Sodalite Crystal with both hands & place it near the heart. With closed eyes, taking deep breaths, meditating & connecting with your inner child who holds all shame & guilt. Question her/him about past incidents that have been causing emotional upsets. As she/he reveals, focus on that incident & feel the purifying energy from the Sodalite release all the pain while converting into love & self-acceptance. Feel the peace & tranquility as the meditation ends.

When feeling anger towards anything or anyone, Blue Lace Agate will calm the mind & help to remove inner bitterness; it also has the ability to take the heat out of arguments.
Using this Stone will help us express our feelings & thoughts before they reach boiling point or flash point of our emotions. When feeling angry & about to explode, use the Stone to calm down. Take the Agate Crystal & hold it between the palms. Take deep breaths, feeling the vibrational energies flow through the hands into the body. Slowly but surely feel a sense of peace & tranquillity. Use this technique every time there’s a feeling of losing emotional control.

And of course, remember to cleanse your Crystals after use..

Crystal Blessings
Sharon <3